About Me

My name is Nathan Stanton, I am 20 years of age and currently studying at Liverpool Hope University. My passion for the subject came as a youngster when I was given my first painting set. Instantly I became attracted and was taken in by the specific colours that can be made using just Primary colours.

Saturday 1 January 2011

My response to Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism

Term applied to new forms of abstract art developed by American painters in 1940s and 1950s. 

From my experiences of using different medias and manipulating different types of art movements, I have been attracted and taken in by the Abstract Expressionism movement due to the gestural marks that can be made on canvas. 

Jackson Pollock - Pollock famously placed his canvas on the ground and danced around it pouring paint direct from the can or trailing it from the brush or a stick. In this way they directly placed their inner impulses on the canvas

Below shows some of the paintings I have produced in the response to Abstract Expressionism, looking at several artists such as Pollock, Rothko, De Kooning and Newman.

Acrylic on canvas. 2010

Acrylic on paper. 2010

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